Creating a good work-life-school balance is important when you consider going back to school. You might be asking the question right now- is it worth it? The answer- An online degrees in healthcare might be the perfect solution to find balance in your busy life while achieving your career goals.
Whether you never went to college, had to stop, or are looking to advance in your career, returning to school pays big dividends! Research by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates the average weekly wage earners for a high school graduate is $781. By completing an associate degree, weekly earnings go up to $877. Wages continue to increase from there- in fact, earning a master’s degree almost doubles the earnings of a high school diploma! A professional degree in healthcare has an incredible weekly earning average of $1,893. It clearly makes sense to seek a professional degree in an allied healthcare profession.
In addition, the unemployment rate drops dramatically with education level. For example, in 2020 the unemployment rate for someone with a high school diploma was 9%. By earning a Bachelor’s degree the unemployment rate dropped in half. Due to the impact of the pandemic on healthcare, there are currently no shortage of jobs in the allied healthcare professions. Now that is the kind of job security that we are all looking for!
While the statistics back up the value of pursuing your educational dream, there are some challenges to overcome. An online education may be just the ticket as you continue working, juggling family responsibilities, and keeping finances in check. Here are 4 benefits to an online program to consider.

4 Benefits of an Online Healthcare Degree
Skip the commute and save money. One study found the average community college student lived 10.2 miles from school. During a nine month school year, that is 2,938 miles of driving! In 2022, the current cost per mile when calculating the cost of commuting is $5.85. That puts the annual cost of driving to school over the course of a year at $1,718.73. Additionally, one study found 14% of the US population does not have local access to a college. This is particularly challenging to adults returning to school because it is difficult to uproot your family and find a new job in order to attend college.
More difficult to calculate is the cost of your time lost driving each day. Whether it cuts into your ability to work or maintain family relationships, it can be a high price to pay.
Flexibility navigating your busy schedule. A traditional college education requires you to be in a classroom at set times each week. A rigid class schedule can create conflict with work and family responsibilities. This isn’t the case with online healthcare degrees. As an online student you have the flexibility to work and spent time with your family without regret. Basically, you can access your course work at anytime and any place. This gives you the ability to balance your schedule the way that makes the most sense for you.
Many online healthcare programs use a learning platform or tool like Canvas. Canvas is an easy to use learning tool or platform. The pages are easy to navigate and are personalized by the healthcare program you choose. There are numerous resources to help you become familiar with Canvas and other learning tools needed for your specific program.
Online healthcare degrees cost less. Traditional brick and mortar colleges cost more. The increased costs are due to higher tuition, operational costs, transportation costs, course materials and books, and living expenses. A study by the National Center for Educational Statistics found that tuition and fees for a traditional public 4 year degree rose by 10% between 2011 and 2021. The cost of a 4 year degree from a private university rose by 19% over the same time period to $37,600 a year. That’s expensive!
By pursuing an online healthcare degree you eliminate operational costs, transportation costs, most course materials expenses, and living costs from your balance sheet. In fact, a recent study by the Education Data Initiative found that an online 4 year degree was $36,595 cheaper than the same degree from a traditional college. Imagine what you can do with that kind of savings!
Resources are just a click away. Online programs recognize the need for free and easy to access support. With the click of your mouse you can have access to online libraries, tutoring, and academic counseling. In addition, these programs understand the challenges many adult-learners and working students face. Emotional counseling and financial resources are all part of the package from attending an online program.
Are you feeling like an online healthcare degree is for you? You are not alone! A study by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center found close to one million adult learners with little-to-no postsecondary education returned and completed their education! You are not alone in your goals, and with so many other adults like you seeking an online education, schools are aware of your unique needs and want you to succeed.